January 21st – 7pm  EDT Join Us!

As the seventh event of our “Ask the Expert” monthly series, we will be exploring the link between racial (in)justice and cannabis.

No discussion of cannabis can be adequately situated and addressed without carefully considering the criminalization of cannabis as well as the legacy it leaves. Like most other areas of society, structural and systemic racism have both historically and presently impacted cannabis policy and use, an issue that we wish to explore more deeply. 

By reflecting on the historical impacts of cannabis policy, we hope to discuss a new way forward that considers the intersections of cannabis use, mental health, and anti-racism efforts in policy, programs and resources.


We are fortunate to be welcoming Chuka Ejeckam, Chantal Phillips and Jordan Brant to discuss and answer your questions. Our moderators will be Amina Hagar and Kiah Ellis-Durity.


This event is in collaboration with Cannabis & Psychosis, YouthREX and Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy and Get Sensible. 


Join us at 7pm EDT on January 21st and leave a comment with your question for our panel.

Click Here: https://www.facebook.com/events/394471304987689


See you on January 21st!


The Exploring the Link Team