We are pleased to announce the launch of the Cannabis and Mental Health Course, a barrier- free online certificate course geared specifically for the needs of youth ages 14-24 and those who support them. Through our boots on the ground approach, we’ve made a course that will create ripples in youth’s understanding and exploration of the link between mental health and cannabis.
Here at Exploring the Link, we know the importance of providing youth with a critical-range of perspectives surrounding mental health and cannabis. This course aims to educate youth to better understand the link, while supporting youth to make informed decisions around cannabis.
The certificate course will be a 90-minute, free, online course which can be accessed by anyone with a computer and an internet connection across Canada. It will consist of 4 modules, each providing evidence-based and engaging knowledge addressing the relationship between cannabis use and mental health. We’ll be exploring a range of key issues, from understanding why people choose to use, demystifying the endocannabinoid system, the impact of cannabis legislation on communities, harm reduction basics and more.
This project is in collaboration with Cannabis and Psychosis: Exploring the Link, the Youth Research and Evaluation Exchange (YouthREX), and the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Utilizing the strengths of each partner, we have created an engaging online curriculum with a diverse range of content mediums, resources using an anti-oppression and harm reduction lens.
The Course will be accompanied by a Mentor Guide, with activities for educators, peer support and youth workers, parents and youth allies.
Stay tuned for our LAUNCH in January 2022!
Link to website: https://cannabisandmentalhealth.ca/
Sign up to our mailing list to stay up to date with the project.
We are excited to share this amazing resource!
The Explore the Link Team