The Rural Development Network (RDN) is excited to announce the launch of Clarity on Cannabis – a virtual exhibit that allows youth to engage with different scenarios in a rural community to increase their awareness and knowledge on cannabis. The exhibit is geared towards youth in Grades 10-12, but can be accessed by anyone. Working with rural youth in Alberta, RDN learned what youth wanted to know about cannabis, how they wanted to learn it, and overwhelmingly we heard this:
- Lose the judgement
- Present the facts
- What even are the risks? And don’t be condescending when you tell us about them.
- Let me make my own choice
Youth also helped us with the design and colours chosen! In the virtual community you’re shown 6 different scenarios that go through the following topics:
- Library – sources for the information presented
- School – what is cannabis, harm reduction, and how cannabis affects you
- Cannabis Store – what kinds of cannabis products exist, the difference between inhaling and ingesting, and different edible strengths
- Bedroom – cannabis and brain development, mental health, and activities for dealing with stress and anxiety
- House Party – what are some of the reasons why people use or don’t use cannabis
- Bush Party/Getting Pulled Over – cannabis and the law, being caught with cannabis, and what to expect when getting pulled over
Through interactive activities and questions, youth will spend anywhere from 30-45 minutes navigating the exhibit. Anyone with a computer or smartphone can access the exhibit, and if you complete the pre and post survey you are entered to win a $25 gift card.
If you are a teacher or parent and would like the accompanying guide for the exhibit, please reach out to Cassandra Rasko at cassandrar@ruraldevelopment.ca. It will soon be available on the website for download.
This project utilized information from many amazing organizations like Exploring the Link, Weed Out the Risk, Canadian Centre for Substance Use and Addiction, Get Sensible, and others. We are incredibly grateful for the conversations, meetings, and resource sharing that exists in this community. Clarity on Cannabis was funded by Health Canada’s Substance Use Awareness Program.
Our goal is to reach 1000 youth by the end of October- can you help us get there? Share the link below with your network and peers!
Link to the virtual exhibit: https://clarityoncannabis.org
For more information or to connect with Cassandra: